12-sided £1 coin problems start for slot machines

If you read the tabloids you’re likely to have seen alarmist headlines in recent days, claiming that the new 12-sided £1 coin due to enter circulation in March 2017 “won’t work in slot machines”. Depending on your choice of newspaper, you could be forgiven for thinking we are facing a coin-operated apocalypse, with some publications … Continued

Tom Watson calls for top stake of £2 on FOBTs

Labour MP Tom Watson has launched a petition calling for a £2 maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs), a controversial category of gaming machines that have been linked with large losses over a short period of time. FOBTs – officially classified as B2 gaming machines – are typically seen in bookmakers’ shops and currently … Continued

B2 gaming machines ‘under review’ in Parliament

A newly launched Parliamentary review includes a focus on the societal impact of B2 gaming machines, commonly known as fixed-odds betting terminals or FOBTs. These are the high-stakes terminals seen in betting shops, which currently allow a maximum stake of £100 on a play cycle that can be completed in as little as 20 seconds. … Continued