Quiz machine hire is an ideal way to give your premises an extra attraction as the darker evenings start to close in later this month.

The days are already getting shorter, but from September 23rd onwards, there will be less than 12 hours of daylight each day – and that’s when it really starts to get noticeable.

What this means for publicans is a changeover from packed beer gardens on sunny days, to warm and welcoming interiors for dark early evenings.

It doesn’t mean people stop going to the pub though – and for many people, stopping in for a pint is a way to escape the elements, or delay going home to a dark house once the sun goes down.

A roaring fireplace is one way to welcome these seasonal customers, but not every pub has one of those; however, almost any premises can benefit from quiz machine hire.

This can add to any pub fruit machines and other gaming machines you may already have on site, so that there are plenty of options for them to stay entertained throughout their evening.